Wednesday, December 25, 2019
The Evolution Of Human Animals - 1744 Words
Humans, formally known as Homo sapiens, are some of the most fascinating creatures to inhabit this planet. We as human animals possess many traits unique to our species, but one of the most remarkable traits is our upright posture and inherent inclination to walk on two legs. We share this rare trait with few organisms, who even so only express limited bipedal behaviors. Human ancestors first initiated the transition to bipedalism approximately 6 million years ago through the upright steps of the Sahelanthropus. However, Homo erectus was the first human ancestor to express full bipedality, which occurred only 1.9 million years ago. Some of the preceding forms of locomotion used by human ancestors included quadrupedalism or pronograde posture, suspensory locomotion, and knuckle-walking (Watson, 2008). These forms of motion were used not only by human ancestors such as the Australopithecus afarensis, but can also be observed in modern times in some of our close relatives, apes and chim panzees. This transition to bipedalism was facilitated by structural changes comprised of an angled thigh bone, a more sturdy and broad pelvis, a wider patella, an S-shaped spine, and long femurs. The compilation of all of these adaptations allowed hominids to not only support their entire body weight while standing upright, but efficiently take long strides, therefore allowing them to travel greater distances. Though much is known about the implications for the transition to bipedality, theShow MoreRelatedThe Truth About Life On Earth Essay1012 Words  | 5 PagesQuotes†). Evolution is defined according to Webster s dictionary as â€Å"a theory that the differences between modern plants and animals are because of changes that happened by a natural process over a very long time†(Merriam-Webster). 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