Tuesday, December 17, 2019
Nursing Theorists - 1685 Words
Nursing Theorists 1. Florence Nightingale - Environment theory 2. Hildegard Peplau - Interpersonal theory 3. Virginia Henderson - Need Theory 4. Fay Abdella - Twenty One Nursing Problems 5. Ida Jean Orlando - Nursing Process theory 6. Dorothy Johnson - System model 7. Martha Rogers -Unitary Human beings 8. Dorothea Orem - Self-care theory 9. Imogene King - Goal Attainment theory 10. Betty Neuman - System model 11. Sister Calista Roy - Adaptation theory 12. Jean Watson - Philosophy and Caring Model 13. Madeleine Leininger -Transcultural nursing 14. Patricia Benner - From Novice to Expert 15. Lydia E. Hall - The Core, Care and Cure 16. Joyce Travelbee -†¦show more content†¦Patient’s behavior can be verbal or non-verbal. * The nurse reacts to patient’s behavior and forms basis for determining nurse’s acts. * Perception, thought, feeling * Nurses’ actions should be deliberative, rather than automatic * Deliberative actions explore the meaning and relevance of an ac tion. 6. Dorothy Johnson-Behavioral Systems Model * The person is a behavioral system comprised of a set of organized, interactive, interdependent, and integrated subsystems * Constancy is maintained through biological, psychological, and sociological factors. * A steady state is maintained through adjusting and adapting to internal and external forces. Johnson’s 7 Subsystems * Affiliative subsystem - social bonds * Dependency - helping or nuturing * Ingestive - food intake * Eliminative - excretion * Sexual - procreation and gratification * Aggressive - self-protection and preservation * Achievement - efforts to gain mastery and control Johnson’s Concepts a. Person * A behavioral system comprised of subsystems constantly trying to maintain a steady state a. Environment * Not specifically defined but does say there is an internal and external environment b. Health * Balance and stability. c. Nursing * External regulatory force that is indicated only when there is instability.Show MoreRelatedNursing Theorists979 Words  | 4 Pageshead: Nursing Theorists Nusing theorists Abstract â€Å"Nursing theorists are the men and women in the nursing field who develop models of nursing. Often, they dont set out to develop a nursing theory, instead, they simply want to help improve nursing care for their patients, and the theory develops as a result. Once a method is established as a theory or model of nursing, it is integrated into the practice of nursing, as well as added to the study of nursing.†Nursing Theorists Nursing theoryRead MoreNursing Theorists1257 Words  | 6 PagesA BRIEF STUDY OF NURSING THEORIES ACCORDING TO FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE, JEAN WATSON AND MADELEINE LEININGER TOLULOPE ADEDIWURA MINOT STATE UNIVERSITY ABSTRACT Nursing as a profession is based on concrete (scientific, philosophical, behavioral, social, and humanities among others), concepts and theories by past and current nursing theorists. These theorists have helped shape the profession from 19th century till date. New theories are emerging due to advance in health care, as off-shoot of previousRead MoreNursing Theorist1222 Words  | 5 PagesNursing Theorist: Betty Neuman Nursing Theorist: Betty Neuman Intro Nursing theories are the basic concepts that define nursing practice and provide the explanation to why nurses do what they do. 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