Tuesday, November 26, 2019
Ender essays
Ender essays In Enders Game, by Orson Scott Card, many themes are viewed. One that is shown infinitely throughout the book is manipulation. This manipulation is used to bring Ender to his full potential of becoming commander of the human fleet to destroy the Buggers. Though, do the disadvantages of manipulation outweigh the advantages? Was it right for Ender to sacrifice his childhood? Enders manipulation started from his birth in which a monitor was placed on him to watch his every move. In the beginning of the first chapter, a conversation between two adults is taking place (1). This conversation introduces the manipulation that will be seen in Enders life. At every step there will be someone watching Ender, challenging him, preparing him to save the human race. Enders ruthlessness is brought out in an incident after his monitor is taken. Ender does not wish to cause harm to anyone, yet he is confronted with a group of students led by the bully Stilson (7). Ender knows what he has to do: he must not only end this fight, but end all of the others as well. He beats Stilson to death, although he does not know it at the time. In a similar situation, Ender kills a commander, named Bonzo, at Battle School. Ender is becoming someone he does not want to become: a killer. Other people put him in situations where his negative side emerges, but Ender always wish es for events to be resolved without violence. His compassion is his strongest trait, and it binds him to people; his ruthlessness with their faith in him as a commander. There were many advantages in using the art of manipulation on Ender. At the age of six, Ender is removed from his family and enters Battle School, where he is subjected to intense training, constantly pushed to his limits as a commander and tactician. In order to gain control of Ender, the teachers subject him to ongoing manipulation. This manipulation results positively with Ender ...
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Geography of Jamaica
Geography of Jamaica Population: 2,847,232 (July 2010 estimate)Capital: KingstonArea: 4,243 square miles (10,991 sq km)Coastline: 635 miles (1,022 km)Highest Point: Blue Mountain Peak at 7,401 feet (2,256 m)Jamaica is an island nation in the West Indies located in the Caribbean Sea. It is south of Cuba and for comparison, it is just under the size of the United States state of Connecticut. Jamaica is 145 miles (234 km) in length and 50 miles (80 km) in width at its widest point. Today, the country is a popular tourist destination and it has a native population of 2.8 million people. History of Jamaica The first inhabitants of Jamaica were the Arawaks from South America. In 1494, Christopher Columbus was the first European to reach and explore the island. Beginning in 1510, Spain began to inhabit the area and by that time, the Arawaks began to die off due to disease and war that came with the European settlers.In 1655, the British arrived in Jamaica and took the island from Spain. Shortly thereafter in 1670, Britain took full formal control of Jamaica.Throughout most of its history, Jamaica was known for its sugar production. In the late 1930s, Jamaica began to gain its independence from Britain and it had its first local elections in 1944. In 1962, Jamaica gained full independence but still remains a member of the British Commonwealth.Following its independence, Jamaicas economy began to grow but in the 1980s, it was hit by a severe recession. Shortly thereafter, however, its economy began to grow and tourism became a popular industry. In the late 1990s and early 2000s, drug traff icking, and the related violence became a problem in Jamaica. Today, Jamaicas economy is still based largely on tourism and the related service sector and it has recently held various free democratic elections. For example, in 2006 Jamaica elected its first female Prime Minister, Portia Simpson Miller.​ Government of Jamaica Jamaicas government is considered a constitutional parliamentary democracy and a Commonwealth realm. It has an executive branch with Queen Elizabeth II as chief of state and a local position of head of state. Jamaica also has a legislative branch with a bicameral Parliament consisting of the Senate and House of Representatives. Jamaicas judicial branch is made up of a Supreme Court, Court of Appeal, Privy Council in the U.K. and the Caribbean Court of Justice.Jamaica is divided in 14 parishes for local administration. Economy and Land Use in Jamaica Since tourism is a large part of Jamaicas economy, services and the related industries represent a significant portion of the countrys overall economy. Tourism revenues alone account for 20% of Jamaicas gross domestic product. Other industries in Jamaica include bauxite/alumina, agricultural processing, light manufacturing, rum, cement, metal, paper, chemical products and telecommunications. Agriculture is also a big part of Jamaicas economy and its biggest products are sugarcane, bananas, coffee, citrus, yams, ackees, vegetables, poultry, goats, milk, crustaceans, and mollusks. Unemployment is high in Jamaica and as a result, the country has high crime rates and violence related to drug trafficking. Geography of Jamaica Jamaica has a varied topography with rugged mountains, some of which are volcanic, and narrow valleys and a coastal plain. It is located 90 miles (145 km) south of Cuba and 100 miles (161 km) west of Haiti.The climate of Jamaica is tropical and hot and humid on its coast and temperate inland. Kingston, Jamaicas capital has an average July high temperature of 90 °F (32 °C) and a January average low of 66 °F (19 °C). Sources Central Intelligence Agency. CIA - The World Factbook - Jamaica. https://www.cia.gov/library/publications/the-world-factbook/geos/jm.html Infoplease. (n.d.). Jamaica: History, Geography, Government, and Culture - Infoplease.com.infoplease.com/ipa/A0107662.html United States Department of State. (29 December 2009). Jamaica. state.gov/r/pa/ei/bgn/2032.htm
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Give an example of false imprisonment. How does false imprisonment Essay
Give an example of false imprisonment. How does false imprisonment differ from kidnapping How does it differ from false arrest - Essay Example The detective later learns that the person is innocent, but still go ahead to lock the person up. It could then be said that the detective has falsely imprisoned the individual and this is a clear case of false imprisonment. It should be noted that false imprisonment differs from kidnapping in so many ways. While false imprisonment is usually done by officers of the law, kidnapping is not in any way done by officers of the law. Kidnapping is the criminally act of abducting somebody forcefully against their will and it is usually done for ransom. False imprisonment is usually carried out with the officers that made the false imprisonment giving the impression that they are working according to the statutes of the law, while kidnapping is in every way against the law. Thus, to a certain extent false imprisonment has the support of the law at least up to the extent that it has been established that it is false imprisonment. While kidnapping on the other hand does not have the support of the law in any way (Friedman, 2002). False imprisonment differs from false arrest in the sense that while false imprisonment generally involves the imprisonment of an individual by a detective or an officer of the law, false arrest does not necessarily ends in imprisonment.
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
Fiduciary Duties for Directors Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Fiduciary Duties for Directors - Essay Example 4). The law specifies that some of the fiduciary duties of a director are care, loyalty and good faith. In Charitable Corp v. Sutton, it was explained that directors of corporations would be regarded as agents and trustees who were required by law to act with ‘fidelity and reasonable diligence†(p.6). These three duties also give rise to a fourth, but equally important duty, that of disclosure. Duty of disclosure means that directors are required to disclose full and truthful information when they are communicating with stakeholders. The Delaware Court of Chancery has in the past stated that â€Å"an obligation to the community of interest that sustains the corporation, to exercise judgment in an informed, good faith effort to maximize the corporation’s long term wealth creating capacity†(p.12). Directors of corporations that are facing insolvency owe fiduciary duties to the corporation itself and to shareholder, never to creditors. Duty of Loyalty This fid uciary duty can be traced back to the Guth v Loft case in which the state Supreme Court passed that â€Å"corporate officers and directors are not allowed to use their position of trust and confidence to further their private interests†(p.22). ... It is the way in which a director handles the corporation’s affairs that will determine whether or not his conduct led to a breach in loyalty duty. The Delaware fiduciary law lays out some of the situations in which duty of loyalty may be implicated. Thee include: contracts between the company and directors or other corporations in which the director may have some material interest, dealings between a parent company and a subsidiary, management buy outs, corporate reorganizations or acquisitions which may result in differing interests between the majority and minority stakeholders, insider trading, taking over corporate opportunities and competition by the directors with the company. If directors fail to act when faced with a known duty, they can be charged with violating duty of loyalty (p.24). Duty of Care Directors in corporations are obligated by Delaware law to seek ample information before making any business decision. They are also required to â€Å"act with the requis ite care in making such decisions†(p.32). Although the directors are requires to act with utmost diligence and highest level of due care, they are not obligated to read or to know each and every particular of a contract or any related legal documents. They only need considerable information about a particular situation so as not to make any careless decisions. If the directors are found to have made a decision out of gross negligence, then they can be charged in court for a breach in the duty of care. In order to act diligently, the law in Delaware requires that directors should regularly attend board meetings. They are also required to take their time to review, understand and evaluate all information that they have at their disposal and they should ensure
Sunday, November 17, 2019
Initial Assessment Essay Example for Free
Initial Assessment Essay The reasoning for using Initial Assessment in my curriculum area is because the majority of students have not completed a formal education or if having done so hold little or no qualifications. The majority of the courses start at entry level therefore no qualifications’ are require, but to offer students progression on to higher levels they need to be holding or be able to achieve a level 1 in communication and application of number. This is the minimum requirement to complete an apprenticeship programme and the vast majority wish to follow the vocational route to being a ‘qualified tradesman’. Procedures Before the day of enrolment students are fore warned at the interview stage what the awarding bodies’ requirement is to do a particular course. In the case of Construction Awards Alliance they have their own assessment criteria to try a match the suitability of the student to a particular trade. However because we deliver from entry to level 2 with three bodies to keep to the assessment process standard the college format is used( booklet produced by the learning centre, attached). Hillier. J (2005 p62) states â€Å"Great care must be used with such assessment activities. Many potential learners will feel highly by being threatened by being asked to undertake a diagnostic assessment. †In my opinion as long as students are made aware that this is not a formal test the majority do not mind taking the test, provided that the reasoning behind it is explained correctly. As a tutor it is important I remember the purpose of the test as Lambert. D and Lines. D (2000 p20) state â€Å"formative assessment is undertaken so that positive achievements of a pupil can be recognised and the appropriate next step planned†. Once all the information is collated this is entered into the course/ student profile booklet, this enables me or any other tutors to look at a particular student or group qualifications and progress as they are recorded for each achievement. Personally I think that the process works well when we complete the diagnostics on line as students can not see how others are doing. Most students feel more comfortable using this method as they do not feel as much pressure as they can wear head phones if required. The whole purpose works well because as a tutor working on entry level and to a certain degree on level 1, communication and application of number can be imbedded into the practical aspects of the course. The major weakness that I feel of the assessment process is that they are not curriculum specific; aspects of application of number are not relevant to the vocational subject. As I have experienced my self and some mature students the terminology of key words has changed until we have had them explained. When using the paper versions students that struggle to read or write often do not complete enough of the booklet, for the tutor to find the true level the students capable / working at. An important aspect that is often missed is the fact that to help students there is a requirement to have extra support in place if require for individuals. If there is no support is there a need for assessment? Yes but ensure all the support is provided and available as required in a timely manner.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Realities In Macbeth Essay -- essays research papers
William Shakespeare wrote the play Macbeth in 1606. The play tells the story of a man who is so ambitious that he commits treason and murder. His actions are predicted by three â€Å"weird sisters†, and he is also encouraged by his wife, Lady Macbeth, to perform the evil acts that will result in his ultimate demise. Throughout the play the perception of Macbeth’s character and morality are quite different than the reality that the reader is ultimately confronted with.      Macbeth is initially presented to the reader as a hero. He has been fighting courageously alongside Duncan, his king, in defense of Scotland. When the king learns of Macbeth’s fearlessness and aggression in battle, he exclaims â€Å"O valiant cousin! Worthy gentleman!†(Act I ,Scene ii) The king then rewards Macbeth’s bravery and loyalty by bestowing upon him the title of Thane of Cawdor. Unfortunately Macbeth has ambitions of becoming the king himself. This brave hero then gives in to his ambitious desire by committing murder. In so doing we realize that Macbeth is, in reality, a coward. Lady Macbeth actually accuses him of being one because of his hesitation to kill the king. But the cowardliness is in the performance of the act, rather than in the reluctance to act. Duncan is not only Macbeth’s king and friend, he is also his distant cousin. Duncan trusts Macbeth as a family member and is very grateful for his loyalty. The king refers to Macbeth as â€Å"a gentleman on whom I built an absolut...
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Efffects of School Busing to Students
After four decades of school integration America has given up, and the question is â€Å"Why? †I believe the answer is because absolutely nothing worked! Bussing was a hassle, most magnet schools were set up for false reasons, and everything was very costly. With everything they tried there were still no significant changes in the test scores of the minority students. So now here we are in the late 21st century and it can all be summed up with what Chris Hansen of the American Civil Liberties Union in New York City believes the courts are saying, â€Å"We still agree with the goal of school desegregation, but it's too hard, and we're tired of it, and we give up. †It all started with Brown v. Board of Education saying â€Å"Separate educational facilities are inherently unequal. †There began a plan to desegregate public schools across America. The first plan was bussing when Swann v. Charlotte-Mecklenburg Board of Education stated that federal courts could order bussing to desegregate schools. However in most cases bussing became much more of a hassle than a helper. There were many revolts from parents making situations even more horrible. Most students wanted to go to their neighborhood schools and not be bussed for long trips to attend a ‘better' school. In Seattle the school board unanimously voted to avoid race-based school assignment and increase enrollment in schools closer to home. The busing plan was not working and soon many schools were trying to deactivate this maneuver. There is evidence that federal courts are realizing that the 25-year-old policy of busing to achieve racial balance in schools has not worked as a means for ending segregation or improving the academic performance of minority students. Busing did not work out as planned; scores for minority students were not higher and neither was their happiness. Peter Schmidt opinion is that â€Å"after seeing some districts' labyrinthine busing maps, that mandating the integration of classrooms has cost a good number of students any chance of a fair and quality education. †Another reason why plans for integration stopped was that many believed they were morally wrong. Mr. Symington, a Republican, said, †The education of Arizona's children should not be held prisoner by a racial quota system. †While Edward Newsome feels it's just patronizing to blacks, â€Å"that the courts are so willing to assume that anything that is predominately black must be inferior. †There were also problems with magnet school programs. Most were designed to attract white students to predominately black schools and vice versa. The communities were using magnet schools to lure whites away from private schools. Along with being unjust the magnet school plan also did not work. In 1985 one district was 73. 6% minority, 11 years later the district is now 75. 9% minority. Missouri v. Jenkins stopped the unjustness of Judge Clark and his magnet schools when they ordered it was wrong of him to pay for a plan just to attract suburban students. Plus last June the Supreme Court said the district court had no right to order expenditures aimed at attracting suburban whites. The systems to integrate schools were also very costly. On average the cost for one student per year to be bussed is between $300 and $400. Kansas City spent $1. billion on magnet schools in town, a 10-year failure. San Francisco spent $200 million since 1982 to improve desegregation and after found it lacked even modest overall improvement. John F. Huppenthal, the Republican chairman of the Senate's education committee said, It is evil to hold them in a system which isn't doing much for them, particularly when it is so damn expensive. The huge amount of money they used to pay for these methods came out of what could have gone to improving general schools or improving academic standards. My opinion is that the plans for integration stopped because their maneuvers were not working. I believe those maneuvers should have stopped. They should spend more time improving the schools than integrating the students. There should be more schools like the J. S. Chick elementary school that doesn't look down upon its 98% African American school. In that school the students outscore many of the magnet schools' students on the standardized tests. Minorities don't score lower on tests because there are all minorities sitting around them; they score poorly because the school is poor. I go along with J. Anthony Lukas when he states, †Our task is to educate the kids who're here, instead of yearning for those who have left. And, who knows, perhaps if we do a good enough job, some of those who have left may start trickling back. †I believe some of the plans were a little immoral and wrong. So after four decades of trying to desegregate schools, the plans failed and the country is giving up. Over the time most standardized tests showed minor improvement in minority scoring. The plans cost a lot of money but at least some schools were improved. The intents ended because the costly plans were not working. Neither busing nor magnet schools raised minorities†academic performances, so the country has stopped the integration plans.
Saturday, November 9, 2019
Active Euthanasia
Active euthanasia or physician’s assisted suicide should be legal in the ethical process that the organization, Dignitas performs it. The process in summation, consists of a person who is terminally ill and in excruciating pain, contacting the organization, becoming a member by fee, and submitting medical documents with diagnosis from a medical professional including those from a therapist, to a Dignitas physician. The elected physician then decides whether or not the member is qualified for active euthanasia and a prescription for the drug sodium pentobarbital is written for the patient/member and administered in Zurich, Switzerland.Any controversy or disagreements with the outlined process arise mostly from misconceptions by the public. Ludwig Minelli, founder of Dignitas states, â€Å"The whole issue is not in the public field. It is covered by a taboo, and we should speak about it. †The topic of Active euthanasia should be further explored and dissected by those wh o disagree with it. Active euthanasia should be legalized because it gives those in unimaginable pain the chance to end their suffering, we are exposed to legal substances that already induce death, and the right to life should also mean the right to decide when to end that life.When people approach death, they often cling to the idea of a peaceful death. Unfortunately, not everyone experiences a peaceful death. It is a gamble of luck in most instances, but what about in the case of an ALS patient? The person’s body is slowly deteriorating, they lose the ability to speak, swallow, move their body, and eventually communicate. If an ALS patient is dying before our eyes, they may look peaceful, but how can we be sure they’re not suffering in pure agony if they can’t communicate?For people like Craig Ewert, a 59 year old ALS victim, the option of euthanasia should be on the table. He pleads, â€Å"What may look peaceful from the outside does not necessarily reflect the internal mental state of the person. Let’s face it, when you’re completely paralyzed,can’t talk,can’t move your eyes, can’t move your arms, how do you let somebody know you’re suffering? They look at you, and you’re still. And usually, we associate suffering with people kind of rolling around and going â€Å"Ow,ow,ow. †.. There’s none of that. Gee, it must be peaceful. â€
Thursday, November 7, 2019
Mencius Essays - Philosophy, Confucianism, Ethics, Free Essays
Mencius Essays - Philosophy, Confucianism, Ethics, Free Essays Mencius The philosopher Mencius considered himself a follower of Confucius, and this is exactly what he was. He was Confuciuss greatest disciple. They were both teachers and tried very hard to influence the rulers of their day, although they both had very little luck. He was the chief architect of Confucian thought. He added components and gave others great emphasis. Mencius introduced the large component of compassion to Confucianism. He believed in the essential goodness of human nature and was highly skeptical of the government. Mencius believed that the qualities characteristic only to man were innate. These qualities were jen and yi. Confucius believed in ritual and humanity. Also religion as a motive of right conduct concerned Mencius much less than it did Confucius. Both Mencius and Confucius believed that it was the duty of a ruler to provide for the welfare of his people in both material goods and moral guidance. According to Mencius The people are the most important element in a nation; the spirits of the land and grain come next; the sovereign counts for the least. The master said He who cultivates the five treasures and eschews the five evils is fit to govern. The five treasures are being generous without having to spend which can be done by allowing people to pursue what is beneficial to them, making people work, but only reasonable tasks, ambition without rapacity, authority but no arrogance, and he is stern but not fierce. The four evils are terror, which rests on ignorance and murder. Tyranny, which demands results without proper warning. Extortion, which is conducted through contradictory orders. Bureaucracy, which begrudges people their rightful entitlements.(p.100, 20.2) Unlike Confucius, Mencius believed that if a ruler cannot provi de this for his people than the people no longer have to be loyal and if they believe strongly enough they can revolt. When Mencius found Prince Hui living in the lap of luxury while his people were perishing for lack of economic reforms he said In your kitchen there is fat meat, and in your stables their are sleek horses, while famine sits upon the faces of your people and men die of hunger in the fields. This is to be a beast and prey on your fellow men. They both believed that rulers were divinely placed in order to bring peace and order to the people they rule. The master said lead them by political maneuvers, restrain them with punishments: the people will become cunning and shameless. Lead them by virtue and restrain them with ritual: they will develop a sense of shame and a sense of participation.(p.6, 2.3) Confucius argued that the interests of the people should be first and the interests of the ruler should be last. Mencius emphasized goodness of human nature as the key to the recognition of social and political significance. As far as what is genuinely in him is concerned, a man is capable of becoming good, said Mencius. That is what I mean by good. As for his becoming bad that is not the fault of his native endowment. The heart of compassion is possessed by all men alike; likewise the heart of the heart of respect and the heart of right and wrong.(p.162, 6a6) Confucius said Is goodness out of reach? As soon as I long for goodness, goodness is at hand. They both believe that if you really want to be good you can, just by actually wanting to.(p.32, 7.30) They defiantly agree that all men have tendency to be good. Confucius spoke lots about the important things about what he was believed to be humane and Mencius expanded on the idea of humanity. The master said Whoever could spread the five practices everywhere in the world can implement humanity. Courtesy, tolerance, good faith, diligence, gener osity. Courtesy wards off insults, tolerance win all hearts, good faith inspires the trust of others, diligence ensures success, generosity confers authority upon others.(p.86, 17.6) So basically to be humane you just have to practice these five things everywhere you go to show humanity. According to Mencius people are prone to be good, he says human nature is not does not show any preferences for good or bad just as water
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
Global Warming Is a Myth
Global Warming Is a Myth A free sample essay on global warming issues. There’s been a very piercing, but vital argument over global warming over the past few decades. As a matter of fact, this topic has become as common as Aristotle’s chicken and egg debate. Moreover, the question surrounding climatological conditions and global warming is a matter of valuation according to many international politicians and laymen philosophies. This isn’t a surreptitious subject, the weather conditions in the United States alone have seen a significate shift. Up till now, â€Å"Why is this happening?†Global warming and greenhouse effects have been monitored very closely for many years. As technologies have progressed, so has the ability to understand this age old event which has impacted the earth for hundreds of years. From the â€Å"save the earth movements†of the 80’s back to the famous Bio Domes of Henry-John Deutschendorf Jr. (John Denver a Popular American Singer), we are still sifting through the raw data of this event. Consequently, this is still a boundless deliberation that has remained to be unrequited. Existing Belief Systems on Global Warming One of the central reasons behind the debate of global warming is variances of belief systems. This indeed affects the way this â€Å"real†issue is perceived. For instance, within the political realms of the United States, there are varying belief systems. Yet, despite what many could personally reason there is a strong evidence that supports current changes. This can be exemplified within the documental film Al Gore has supported titled â€Å"An Inconvenient-Truth (2006)†. Furthermore, the United States Environmental Protection-Agency (EPA) recognizes the effects of global warming and climate change upon water resources. One of the key states in the U.S impacted by extreme drought and global warming is California. One of the most famous instances of climate change is the transformation of the Sahara Desert. The Sahara was once a rich, fertile and green area. Due to climate change and global warming, studies suggest the region may return to its lush magnificence. It is important to remember that global warming has affected the polar icecaps. The consequences of the icecaps melting can be seen in areas such as Alaska USA. RAINFOREST DESTRUCTION Aftermath Consequences Numerous studies show the possible aftermath that can happen internationally due to global warming. The consequences scientists perceive to be accurate show many detrimental effects. One of the most common issues that is being monitored incorporates changes of the ecological systems worldwide and local areas in the USA. Technologies such as sonar and monitoring sea levels are not excluded. Global warming has a keen impact on wildlife and their survival as well. A brilliant example of this can be seen in the Alaskan wilderness. Polar bears strongly depend on cooler temperatures, and this includes extended submarine species in the region. Global warming causes a shift in weather and the way individuals survive worldwide. This is as aforementioned exemplified by the droughts in California and other regions in the United States. If the water supplies are dampened due to global warming, this affects the food supplies to an entire nation. Additionally, the domino effect has the potential o f being intensified in the near future. Global warming disturbs the weather, ecosystem, and wildlife. Congruently, it can affect economic systems and this includes farmers. For example, if global warming continues due to preventable actions it can affect import and export systems internationally. This is especially true of the agricultural aspects in the U.S. Global warming and climate change are tough issues. However, Is it a definite myth? The evidence can be clearly seen and experienced by many individuals on a daily basis. There has been and currently is quantifiable evidence of global warming being a true fact. Despite few scientific comminutes that have not found sufficient evidence, the tangible proof is clear. Global warming affects millions of lives every day. This includes both micro and macro premises that are connected to this issue.
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Abraham maslow Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words
Abraham maslow - Essay Example His approach to psychology has motivated eupsychology, for example, a new way of doing psychology as a science and as a therapy. Abraham Maslow is thus a humanistic psychologist. Above all he is a humanist, because he places the human being at the center of his studies, at the center of the world. His faith in the human being is reflected on his own conclusions about the human race. In this paper we will take a look a his life and work."He was born and raised in Brooklyn, the eldest of seven children. He was smart but shy, and remembered his childhood as lonely and rather unhappy. Maslow attended City College in New York. His father hoped he would pursue law, but he went to graduate school at the University of Wisconsin to study psychology. While there, he married his cousin Bertha, and found as his chief mentor Professor Harry Harlow. At Wisconsin he pursued an original line of research, investigating primate dominance behavior and sexuality. He went on to further research at Columb ia University, continuing similar studies. He found another mentor in Alfred Adler, one of Freud's early followers." (PBS Online, 1998).Maslow dedicated most of his life to studies in psychology. He was really an academic professional as he took part in different universities throughout his career. PBS Online goes on narrating his life:"From 1937 to 1951, Maslow was on the faculty of Brooklyn College.... Maslow became the leader of the humanistic school of psychology that emerged in the 1950s and 1960s, which he referred to as the "third force" -- beyond Freudian theory and behaviorism." (PBS Online, 1998). The Wikipedia deals with his life in a slightly different way: "Abraham Maslow (April 1, 1908 - June 8, 1970) was an American psychologist. He is mostly noted today for his proposal of a hierarchy of human needs. () Born in Brooklyn, New York, Maslow was the first of seven children of Jewish immigrants from Russia. His parents were uneducated, but they insisted that he study law. At first, Abraham acceded to their wishes and enrolled in the City College of New York. However, after three semesters he transferred to Cornell, then back to CCNY. After he married, he moved to Wisconsin to attend the University of Wisconsin from which he received his B.A. (1930), his M.A. (1931), and his Ph.D. (1934) in psychology. While in Wisconsin, Maslow studied with Harry Harlow, who was known for his studies of rhesus monkeys and attachment behavior. A year after graduation, Maslow returned to New York to work with E. L. Thorndike at Columbia." (Wikipedia, 2006). It is important to note that the Wikipedia doesn't say that Maslow married his first cousin. Maybe they didn't want to get too personal. The Wikipedia continues speaking about Maslow's life in the following manner: "Maslow began teaching full time at Brooklyn College. During this time he met many leading European psychologists, including Alfred Adler and Erich Fromm. In 1951, Maslow became the chairman of the psychology department at Brandeis University, where he began his theoretical
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